
Tatsuro, duas perguntas. ~

Q : In your latest album it feels like you’re expanding to reach a wider audience, rather than just having that core dark feeling. Do you not want to do the earthy kind of music you had back when you first started anymore?
Tatsuro: Well… the basic ideas and stuff that I like haven’t really changed, so I don’t think that all the components from early MUCC have completely disappeared or anything like that. Even now, I personally like our early sound and early lyrics and stuff, I mean I still listening to it and playing it, cos I do really like dark stuff. The truth is, when we write songs and lyrics based on feelings from things that we’ve experienced, it’s still just from the point of view of someone who’s not even 32 yet. In the old days there was definitely like this buildup of emotion that we just had to get out, and that feeling of release was really strong back then. Because we were getting out stuff that we really felt back then. But it’s like, because I’m not even 32, there’s still so much stuff that I’ve yet to experience. I think I’ll definitely experience those strong buildup of emotions again in the future. But if it’s at a time when I don’t feel like that, then I’m not gonna write lyrics like I was writing in the past. Because I don’t like writing fiction. I think that lyrics that aren’t true feel really shallow. If I’m going to sing those kind of dark, real lyrics, then I don’t want to sing lies. I want to write about things that I’m feeling right here and right now. So I guess in the end, fundamentally the things I like haven’t changed. I still really love dark things and sad things."

Q: What would be an example of lyrics that you think are bogus?
Tatsuro: I’ve always thought that the picture-perfect, wonderful world from love songs doesn’t exist. Even if you’re really in love, there will be conflicts and secrets, right? I felt that love songs that make everything beautiful by hiding this are wrong. I like songs in which you can see the shadows as well, so I like love songs that have a dark melody, or more simply, I just like heartbreak songs better than happy songs. I’d rather listen to sad songs, for some reason. It’s always been like this.


TIVE que postar isso. Não me canso de ler e ver essa forma parecida de pensar que me agrada tanto. Principalmente quanto a segunda resposta, é exatamente como eu me sinto e sinceramente, sinto algo bom por ler algo assim, não me sinto ''sozinha no mundo''. Posso ver que alguém que admiro e realmente me preocupo se sente de forma parecida e com isso, meu sentimento se fortalece ainda mais.
Pode ser algo random para você leitor (?), mas se me acompanha já deve saber de todo o meu sentimento para com essa pessoa e assim, se não for do teu agrado, ignorar uma postagem assim, mas isso sendo um blog pessoal não poderia deixar de fora algo que considero tão importante como isso. <3

Para encerrar meu post gay uma foto do ano novo que a Yuki tirou e eu ainda não tinha postado. ;u;♥

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Comenta, honey. (^ε^)